At the core of Level-X there is a love of engineering challenges.
It's about doing it the right way, to get the reliable result.
The buck stops here. Level-X will do it, and it will be good.
In fact, results often exceed client expectations, because our
engineering skills are being guided by exceptional creative instincts.
Level-X brings art to engineering, even more so so when the task is complex
and demanding.
We'll bring what you need
The teams assembled by Level-X span the full range of essential talent to thoroughly
cover your needs though-out the full life cycle of software development.
Lead members of Level-X have at least fifteen years in their
respective fields. The team that arrives at your door will be lean,
goal driven, and quality conscious.
Just give us the nod
We communicate well, and we can do "imagineering." Tell us your goal,
and we will discuss it with you, refine what it is you are trying
to achieve, map out a path, explain our plan, and then proceed to
implement it. You are invited to stay in the discussion loop throughout the
development cycle; we will give you useful updates on status.
What is delivered will meet or exceed your expectations.
This is what we do
Level-X has proven experience at making large data-sets run fast, efficiently,
and reliablly. Chicago Mercantile Exchange came to Level-X to write their
market-data-sequencer because the sequencer had to be reliable (all market data gets
funnelled through this one program) and it had to be fast. I.R.I. came to
Level-X because they need creativity in designing a human-to-machine interface
protocal to control their data-cube production. Citadel Investment Group
trusted Level-X to quickly produce a low-maintenance, high extensibility
internal billing system.